canadian living | modern homesteading

Do you ever have that feeling that you will like someone before even meeting them?  When I got the assignment to shoot Lola Augustine Brown and her modern homesteading family in rural Nova Scotia for Canadian Living, I just knew we’d be kindred spirits!  A Brit moves to small town Nova Scotia with her new husband to start a simpler life.  There are clucking chickens, sweet children, beautiful knitted goods, homemade preserves and two very interesting adults. Lola is a very talented writer and can throw together an al fresco meal in a flash.

I really admire what they are doing.  I know some days are not easy but there is something wonderful living close to the land and having so much space for your kids to romp around in.

I have to admit I was having so much fun at this shoot that it was hard to tear myself away.  But alas, I had to drive back to my parent’s house in Antigonish.  I left with a jar of Lola’s homemade rosehip crab apple jelly and it was an au revoir not goodbye because I have an intuition that we’ll meet again. . .