Lupins I Nova Scotia

Do you know what happens in June in the Maritime Provinces?  The lupins, pink, white and purple, burst into glorious bloom on every roadway, ditch and path.  In a way I took them for granted when I was growing up in Nova Scotia, but now when I go home, I marvel at the beauty of these renegade wildflowers.  

Lupins are a relative of the pea and are extremely hardy.  Apparently they are native to the West but made their way to the East Coast and decided to flourish!  If you heard of the bluebonnets in Texas, they are actually a lupin as well.

I just returned from visiting my home town of Antigonish to celebrate my parent's wedding anniversary.  Unfortunately my mother became very sick and the festivities had to be postponed but I am happy to say my mother is feeling better and we plan to do a re-anniversary party in August.

I loved seeing the last of the lupins along the roadside last week and thought you might too.

Also!  We have added a few selections of these lupin images to our SVB Print Shop so be sure to take a look!

A bientôt!


